Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Study Guide Huckleberry Finn Essay Example

Study Guide Huckleberry Finn Essay 1. How does Huck solve the problem of forgetting his name? Bets Buck that he cant spell his name, and does, so then he knows his name George Jackson 2. What does Huck think of the Grangerfords? Of their home? He thinks their home is really nice and he really likes the family 3. Huck often makes interesting observations. His comment on Emmeline Grangerford is, â€Å"I reckoned that with her disposition she was having a better time in the graveyard. † What does this shows about Huck? She focused so much on death and people dying that he figured she was in the place she always wanted to be, she was happier there. 4. Why had Emmeline died? Sickness Chapter 18 1. What is the cause of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons? Its been going on for 30 years, no one remembers what started it, beyond a legal dispute over land 2. Which side started the shooting? Jason Zhangs side 3. Why is Twain so vague about it? No one can remember how or why the feud started, but in the last year, two people have been killed, including a fourteen-year-old Grangerford. The two families attend church together and hold their rifles between their knees as the minister preaches about brotherly love. 4. Buck tells Huck, â€Å"There ain’t a coward amongst them Shepherdsons – not a one. We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide Huckleberry Finn specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide Huckleberry Finn specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide Huckleberry Finn specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And there ain’t no cowards amongst the Grangerfords either. † What are the drawbacks to this sort of courage? 5. Why is the topic of the Sunday sermon â€Å"satiric†? the sermon was about brotherly love, and the 2 families are killing each other in a feud 6. What has happened to Jim since the last time Huck has seen him? Jim followed Huck to the shore the night they were wrecked, but did not call out to him, for fear of being caught. Some slaves found the raft Jim was on, but he reclaimed it by threatening the slaves and saying it belonged to his white master. 7. What does Miss Sophie do? runs off with Harney Shepardson . What happens to the various Grangerfords? Sophia Grangerford runs off with one of the Shepardsons and a gunfight ensues that kills some of the Grangerfords. 9. What does Huck do? Chapter 19 1. Read aloud Huck’s description of river life that begins, â€Å"Two or three days and nights went by; I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid a long so quiet and smooth and lovely. † What causes Huck’s new appreciation of life on the raft? the peacefulness of the river, the scenery, the beauty, the ease of living 2. The peaceful interlude on the raft is disturbed by the arrival of the duke and the dauphin (the king). Describe these two â€Å"rapscallions. † liars, con-men, running away from people 3. When the duke and the dauphin first got on the raft, why did they talk to each other and ignore Huck and Jim? They are trying to out do each other in rank to decide who is in charge and who will sleep under the tent. 4. Huck says, â€Å"It didn’t take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. † Why does he pretend to believe them? Huck quickly realizes that the two men they let onto the raft are liars, but to prevent quarrels, he does not let on that he knows. Chapter 20 1. How does Huck explain Jim to the duke and the king? He tells them that his family was hit by a steamboat while they were riding down the Mississippi, and that only he and Jim survived. 2. How do the king and duke treat Huck and Jim? Duke and King has treated Huck and Jim as their own personal servants. Rate This Answer 3. What does the king do at the camp-meeting? cons people for $87 pretending to be a reformed pirate 4. How does the duke arrange for them to travel in the daytime? This chapter paints a fuller picture of the two hitchhikers that Huck and Jim have taken aboard. You will remember that the Gragerfords were first characterized through their possessions. How are these two men drawn? prints a reward poster for Jim they tie him up so it looks like they are returning him Chapter 21 1. What are the king and the duke getting ready for? performing a play Romeo and Juliet 2. what kind of a town is Bricksville? Not a good place always looking for lynching someone. 3. Why had Boggs come to town? to kill Colonel Sherburn. 4. What did the â€Å"loafers† think of Boggs’ threats? do not take his threat very seriously, 5. Describe the murder of Boggs. Col. Sherburn shoots him down while he is drunk 6. How did the townspeople react to the murder? They are going to lynch Col. Sherburn Chapter 22 1. Why did the â€Å"Lynching Bee† fail? Because Sherburn tells them they are not men, just a mob and cowards. 2. What does Sherburn think of the men in the mob? Sherburn says the men in the mob are beneath pitiful-ness. Sherburn thinks the men are cowards. 3. Is he right? 4. Sherburn’s speech is the only place in the novel where the point of view shifts for nay length of time. Why, at this point, does Twain let Sherburn take over? We need Sherburn to speak because he is a MAN, Huck wouldnt be able to have the same effect on the reader. 5. Why does Huck enjoy the circus so much? pleasant relief from the king and the duke and the problems helping Jim escape. 6. How successful is the Shakespearean Revival? The Shakespearean Revival that is put on by the duke and the dauphin in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not very successful. The characters dont really care if its successful though as they are using it for a cover to scam people. 7. How does the duke plan to get an audience for the low-comedy presentation? 8. Compare the incident at the circus with the shooting of Boggs. In what ways are the situations similar? How does Huck’s response differ from the crowd’s in both instances? They are both drunk, they are both in danger. With Boggs, he is curious, with the circus hes afraid for the man Chapter 23 1. Why doesn’t the audience â€Å"take care of† the king and the duke after the first performance? 2. What happens on the third night? 3. Discuss Huck and Jim’s comments on royalty in this chapter. Is it believable for Huck to know so much history? Explain. 4. Why is Huck amazed at Jim’s mourning his home and family? 5. What does the story of ‘Lizabeth show about Jim? Chapter 24 1. Why is Jim dressed up like a sick Arab? 2. Huck’s last statement in this chapter is, â€Å"It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race. † What is Huck talking about? 3. How does Twain make it believable for the two rogues to impersonate the Wilks brothers? Chapter 25 1. Huck describes the tearful scene at the Wilkses as the most disgusting thing he has ever seen. Does he mean only the king’s performance? 2. Why does the king give the money to Mary Jane? 3. Have the â€Å"rapscallions† hood-winked everybody? Chapter 26 1. What decision does Huck make? . What are the plans of the king and the duke? Chapter 27 1. Where did Huck hide the gold? 2. Describe the undertaker. 3. Where is the humor in Huck’s observation, â€Å"There warn’t no more popular man in town than what the undertaker was†? 4. How are the king’s plans progressing? Chapter 28 1. What is special about Mary Jane? 2. Why is she the only person to whom Huck tells the truth? Chapter 29 1. Why do the men decide to dig up the corpse? 2. Huck concludes the chapter by saying, â€Å"So I wilted right down onto the planks then, and give up; and it was all I could do to keep from crying. † What’s bothering Huck? Chapter 30 1. Why are the king and the duke fighting? 2. Why do they get back together? Chapter 31 1. What do the king and duke do to Jim? 2. Why does Huck write Miss Watson? 3. Why does he tear up the letter? 4. Huck has rebelled against civilization before. At Miss Watson’s he smoked, played hookey, and left his room nights to sleep in the woods. What is different about this decision? 5. Tearing up the letter to Miss Watson has been described as one of the great moments in American history. A southern boy breaks free of the social convention that surrounds him and risks his soul to free a Negro slave. Why is Huck just the boy to tear up that letter? 6. Discuss the implications of Huck’s conclusion, â€Å"All right, then. I’ll go to hell. † 7. Huck again encounters the duke. What happens? Chapter 32 1. What is Huck’s new name? 2. Why is that convenient for Huck? Chapter 33 1. Why is Huck surprised at Tom’s willingness to rescue Jim? 2. Why is Tom willing to do it? 3. What new identity does Tom assume? 4. How does Huck feel when he sees the king and duke tarred and feathered? 5. Do they deserve his pity? 6. Why is Huck so annoyed with his conscience? 7. Does the fact that both Tom and Huck are on the plantation add to or detract from the plot? Chapter 34 1. How did Tom figure out where Jim was? 2. Compare Huck’s plan for freeing Jim with Tom’s 3. What does Huck think of Tom’s fancy touches? 4. What are the dangers of Tom’s approach? 5. Some critics think that Jim’s rescue is an inappropriate ending to the novel. They wonder how Huck, with his new maturity, can consent to Tom’s foolish scheme. Do you agree with these critics? Why or why not? Chapter 35 1. What is the whole chapter, â€Å"Dark, Deep-Laid Plans† about? Chapter 36 1. Huck says, â€Å"When I start to steal a nigger, or a watermelon, or a Sunday-school book, I ain’t no ways particular how it’s done so it’s done. † How would Tom feel about this statement? 2. Why does Jim agree to go along with everything? 3. What’s Nat’s problem? Chapter 37 1. What is the topic of conversation at the breakfast table? 2. How does Tom manage to get the things he needs for the escape? 3. Describe the baking of the witch pie. Chapter 38 1. What is the irony involved in the fetching of the grindstone? 2. Why does Tom try to talk Jim into keeping a pet rattlesnake? Rats? . What purpose does this chapter serve? 4. Describe Jim’s ordeal. Chapter 39 1. Why does Tom write anonymous letters? 2. What does he say in them? Chapter 40 1. What does Huck find when he goes into the setting-room? 2. When the butter melts down Huck’s face, what does Aunt Sally think it is? 3. What one thing really goes wrong in the escape? 4. When Huck says, â€Å"I knowed he was white inside, and I reckoned he’s say what he did say,† what is he talking about? Chapter 41 1. Why doesn’t Huck go with the doctor? 2. How does he explain his absence to Uncle Silas? 3. What is Old Mrs. Hotchkiss’ theory? 4. Why doesn’t Huck go check on Tom that night? Chapter 42 1. Why don’t they hang Jim? 2. What does the doctor think of Jim? 3. What does Tom tell Aunt Sally? 4. Why had Tom worked so hard to set Jim free when he was already free? 5. Who arrives on the scene to really straighten things out? Last Chapter 1. What were Tom’s plans concerning Jim after he was free? 2. What does Huck find out about his father? 3. Does it seem right that Huck has been an orphan all along? 4. Where is Huck bound for at the end of the novel? 5. Why does Huck reject civilization?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Music Education

â€Å"Why I chose to enter the Music Education profession and why music is important in school.† Throughout the years, I have accrued several valid points in why I have chosen to become a Music Educator. Whether it was a wonderful experience, my own personal love for music, aesthetic purposes, or the psychological aspects of music, they are all valid. The reasons that music is important are similar to those of my reasons for my interest in music. I have had wonderful experiences with music in the school systems, but I have also had very bad experiences as well. Robert Bruce, my first true band director, had a deep impact on my practice habits. He was a very hard man to please, but he set reasonable goals. He had a special connection with the students and they respected him enough by behaving while in class or on trips. John Mancinelli was my biggest inspiration to becoming a Band Director. He had a love for music and he showed it in his examples, playing, and teaching. He too had a special connection with each and every student. This will be elaborated later. With all the good apples in my basket of friends comes a bad apple. Mr. Vroble, notice I cannot remember his first name, was the worst band director I have seen. He cared for himself and no one else. His love for music had to have died decades ago. He did not help a single student. The marching band even consisted of primarily fifth graders. All three of these band directors are inspirations to me. Robert and John have shown me how I want to act with the students. Caring and sharing everyday. While Mr. Vroble has shown me that there are band programs that exist that continually break down the joy and importance of music. My love of music was not as strong as it is now. Sure, in the beginning, I liked music, but I wanted to go into the field of Marine Biology. Then I taught my first saxophone lesson and I was hooked. I started to wonder, â€Å"Okay, what ... Free Essays on Music Education Free Essays on Music Education â€Å"Why I chose to enter the Music Education profession and why music is important in school.† Throughout the years, I have accrued several valid points in why I have chosen to become a Music Educator. Whether it was a wonderful experience, my own personal love for music, aesthetic purposes, or the psychological aspects of music, they are all valid. The reasons that music is important are similar to those of my reasons for my interest in music. I have had wonderful experiences with music in the school systems, but I have also had very bad experiences as well. Robert Bruce, my first true band director, had a deep impact on my practice habits. He was a very hard man to please, but he set reasonable goals. He had a special connection with the students and they respected him enough by behaving while in class or on trips. John Mancinelli was my biggest inspiration to becoming a Band Director. He had a love for music and he showed it in his examples, playing, and teaching. He too had a special connection with each and every student. This will be elaborated later. With all the good apples in my basket of friends comes a bad apple. Mr. Vroble, notice I cannot remember his first name, was the worst band director I have seen. He cared for himself and no one else. His love for music had to have died decades ago. He did not help a single student. The marching band even consisted of primarily fifth graders. All three of these band directors are inspirations to me. Robert and John have shown me how I want to act with the students. Caring and sharing everyday. While Mr. Vroble has shown me that there are band programs that exist that continually break down the joy and importance of music. My love of music was not as strong as it is now. Sure, in the beginning, I liked music, but I wanted to go into the field of Marine Biology. Then I taught my first saxophone lesson and I was hooked. I started to wonder, â€Å"Okay, what ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Terrorism - Essay Example Strongly believing in the cause a person is fighting for, therefore, proves to be the key factor that drives a person into committing acts of terror.2 From a psychological standpoint, it becomes clear the influence people’s beliefs have on their actions. Prominent, social Psychologists advance that people conform to the beliefs of a group in order to find acceptance from other members. Therefore, they adopt their beliefs without questioning them; fearing rejection from the rest. These scholars further posit that people within a group rarely stop to question the beliefs shared by other group members. The psychological, emotional, social and physiological wellbeing brought about by belonging to a group ensures people go out of their way to preserve their positions within the group. In addition, there exists a faction of dominant, leaders within these groups who formulate the code of conduct of group members. Research in Psychology shows that people tend to gravitate towards domi nant, authoritative individuals. They do this by sharing in these people’s believes even when these believes prove to be wrong. This is because these dominant individuals provide their followers with a standard, which can be used to justify their actions.2 Looking at separate acts of terror committed around the world, helps to show how belief plays a crucial role in leading a person to terrorism. ... Dictators played with their followers’ psychological make-up. They did this by twisting their thoughts into believing that their actions were right despite the selfish motives behind their agendas. They understood people’s main weakness of needing something to believe, which gave them a sense of purpose in their lives. In Hitler’s case, he made most Germans believe in the superiority of their race while he rallied for them to commit inhumane acts towards people of other races especially the Jews. As a result, an estimate of about six million Jews lost their lives under the hands of German soldiers in the Holocaust. German soldiers found nothing wrong in their actions because they adored and believed everything Hitler said and further used it to justify their actions. The inhumane treatment of people within the concentration camps spread out all over Germany, and advocacy for World War I & II resulted under the influence of Hitler on people’s beliefs.1 Reli gious beliefs also play a vital role in the guiding of people towards committing acts of terror. Many people around the world gravitate towards believing in a supernatural entity. In most cases, people join religions and begin to believe in the doctrines advanced by these religions because these religions reinforce their faith by giving them something to believe in consistently. Looking back at the history of the Roman Catholic Church, it is apparent that many people gravitated towards this religion because it was the most widespread religion at the time. People believed in the holiness of the papacy and the Holy Mother Church. Therefore, those chosen to form the church’s army believed that their killing sprees were justifiable despite the irony that the command to kill

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home Essay

In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home change when they leave their homelands - Essay Example figures, the World Bank (2014) reported that the 900,000 net migration in the United Kingdom is significantly lower as compared to the 5,000,002 net migration in the United States. Each person has their own reasons for migrating to another place or another country (Bailey, 2008, p. 3). Among the common reasons for migrating are better work or employment opportunities (Parutis, 2014; Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Appave, 2008, p. 151; Bean, Gonzalez-Baker and Capps, 2001, pp. 669 - 703), adoption, marriage, retirement, or the need to accompany ageing parents (Appave, 2008, p. 151; Wray and Bartholomew, 2006). Specifically the main purpose of this essay is to discuss the migrants’ experiences of homeland change when they move abroad, and identify all factors that encourage migrants to leave their homelands. As part of going through discussion, the main purpose of this essay will be applied in the case of the United Kingdom and the United States. In general, people’s experiences of their homeland change when they move abroad differ from one another. In most cases, the race and cultural identity of migrants tend to have strong effects on their overall experiences when they move abroad (Silva, 2009; Valdivia et al., 2008). In relation to homeland change, some immigrants may experience â€Å"cultural displacement† (Malkki, 1992, p. 25). It means that the cultural practices or religious beliefs of the immigrants tend to be totally different from the cultural practice or religious belief that is commonly being practiced by people who live in the country where they have decided to move. Even though there are some migrants who end up having a better life when they move to either the United States or the United Kingdom, some migrants may have a bad experience particularly with regard to cultural adjustment (Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Gupta and Ferguson, 1992). For example, when migrants move to either the United Kingdom or Unit ed States, it is expected that these people would experience

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Importance of Annual Reports and Accounts Essay

Importance of Annual Reports and Accounts - Essay Example Generally enterprises use annual reports to express three major types of information and that are market information, financial information and information related to productivity. Tesco’s annual reports also hit the same purpose as they project information of market competencies, company’s fiscal growth and revenues with respect to output levels (Thomsett, 2007). Tesco’s Annual Reports on Market Analysis Tesco’s annual reports talk about the market situation in which the company operates. The reports indicate different market segments, those in which Tesco is successful and those where the company sets back. There is a summarized overview of different business constraints which Tesco highlights in its annual reports. Constraints include trading levels, profit and loss statements, revenues of a particular fiscal, growth, number of employees working, and number of stores operating in one particular fiscal. By giving the overview of all such constraints, Tes co is able to analyze its present market situation (Tesco, 2012). The report comes out at the end of each fiscal giving an overview of complete market statistics. This enables managers to assess present market in terms of future growth prospect. From Tesco’s annual reporting system it can be said that annual reports play a decisive role in market analysis. By having such event based information as in Tesco’s reports, the company is able to compare its past market with the relativistic present market (Tesco, 2012). Actually the reports are projections of periods allowing the planning to make true real assessment. This helps in creating market picture, which shows that how much there is stability and... This paper approves that there are different reasons of why annual reports are important to enterprises. Some of the reasons are clean market analysis, comprehensive growth assessment and comparative financial evaluation, which are helpful to prepare future plans for the company (Stittle, 2003). Annual reports mostly include three types of information, market information, financial information and information related to growth and productivity. By general assessment of the reports strategists are able to understand overall performance of the company on a particular. Annual reports play a decisive role in this respect as they project the key highlights of the company including new projects, day to day customer experience, employees stability and investors engagement, which are enough elements to understand the growth rate and productivity. This report makes a conclusion that Tesco an international retailing company also operates on annual reporting system. The company comes out deliberate with a year of year reporting where information is mostly based financials, market status and growth of the company. This type of information is important to both Tesco managers and investors as they have the idea on company’s real time progress by accessing the annual reported documents. Hence it is to conclude that annual reports hold a major importance for an organization, especially when the organization is on the international grounds and requires a comprehensive tool of expression like annual reports.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Approaches Towards Dementia Care

Approaches Towards Dementia Care Peter John Ignacio Jael Wafula Support Planning for Geriatric Health Conditions Introduction Today, our society consists of increasing number of people aged sixty five and over. This is the result of the baby boomer effect in which post world war two children are now in the latter stages of their lives. It is believed that institutions which are inclined in supporting the elderly have to be experts in the health concerns that goes along with ageing. There can be a variety of health conditions an old person can have, these include, but not limited to, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, vision and hearing loss, skin changes, and mental, emotional and psychological changes. The latter, being the focus of this paper, is mostly referred to as the main concern of the elderly not only here in New Zealand but most of the elderly all over the world. Topics involving this will be examined in this paper, such as, the differentiation of person centred approach and non-person centred approach in care of the elderly, techniques in meeting the fluctuating abilities and needs of elder people with conditions in mentation, impacts of cultural diversity and impacts of health sector standards on the person-centred model of managing individuals with cognitive difficulties, like dementia of senior members of the community and other geriatric related health conditions. Person-centred approach First to be examined is the person centred approach which is focused on the elderly person, individual resident, if in a rest home setting; a particular patient, if in a hospital setting; or the senior citizens, in society as a whole. It is the principle of knowing the person being cared for, comprehensively, not only the health concern or the disease that they have. People even in the advance stages of their lives have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. To do this, it is paramount to know the person as who he or she is and how he or she would like to be treated. First and foremost is knowing the name of the patient, resident or any individual being cared for. This is the basic thing to know by heart and not to be undermined. It is easy to forget names at times but it is important to make sure to know and remember names of persons being cared for especially the elderly. This can be done by regularly checking the charts or records of clients and using their names when c ommunicating with them on a daily basis. In turn, this can help in remembering and fully knowing the clients’ names and even furthering the caring relationship between the carers and the people being cared for. In addition to that, knowing clients’ personality and the activities they usually do would definitely help in establishing an outstanding relationship. Things like, hobbies, routines and favourites of the elderly are always good to know especially if they are residing in a facility that would benefit from these personal information for the continuity of care and to have harmonious client carer relationship altogether. In this way, satisfaction of elderly clients would be maintained and honoured. For elderly clients with dementia or similar health conditions, it is also indispensable to protect their rights. Western countries, New Zealand included, and other developed nations are very strict with regards to this. Clients, whatever their age is, should be treated and cared for in accordance to the bill of rights that everyone should respect and pay attention to, especially when caring for elderly clients. Included in this bill is the right of privacy. Privacy is still very important when caring for elderly clients. They are still fully aware of their surroundings and the things that make them uncomfortable should be avoided. The right of choice is also another factor that should be maintained in the life of the elderly. This means that clients have the right to choose of any aspect of their care. They are free to prefer being independent and to preserve their autonomy in everyday decision making, and of course the freedom from coercion or unconsented experiment or study that may be performed for the advancement of the geriatric medical field. Non-person-centred approach On the other hand, the non-person-centred approach to dementia and other advanced age related health concerns have a different precepts or premise. There are two common theme considered in the said approach. These are institution perspective and bio-medical perspective. The first one being focused in the welfare of the facility as the name implies. The reputation and the credibility of the institution is utmost important and to maintain a good image to the public, and perhaps to retain the funding provided by the government, institution perspective oriented facilities make sure that the elder clients are well taken care of. While the second one which is bio-medical perspective has its attention directed with the physical anomalies that elderly clients have. The main objective is to treat the disease and prolong life, which sometimes may overlook the most important factor in caring for the seniors, the getting to know part and truly addressing the needs of the clients not just the phy sical or bio-medical needs but the one that matters the most for clients of the said age group, the social and psychological aspect. Techniques used to meet needs of individuals with dementia and common geriatric health conditions To address further the needs and concerns of the senior citizens, there are some techniques used in various healthcare fields and facilities. The first to be discussed is the reality-orientation approach. This is about informing the clients of the current happening or event in the environment. For example, reorienting elderly of the time, date and place where they are at. This technique is very helpful in eliminating confusion and promoting clients’ confidence in performing activities for the day. In addition to the said events to be reoriented, familiar people and family members would facilitate better memory for the elderly. By seeing their relatives or hearing their names and stories about them, clients’ memory will be stimulated hence, vastly promotes confidence and lessen confusion and disorientation. Furthermore, the simplest but most important way to reorient clients is sometimes forgotten, this is using clients’ names always when communicating with them a nd informing them of activities they need to participate with for the day. For example, when entering a client’s room for his or her breakfast, a carer should knock on the door and politely call the client’s name to wake him or her up and encourage him to eat breakfast and to do succeeding client activities for the day. This will then make the client aware of his or her own surroundings and activities to be done. Therefore giving them confidence and feeling of self-worth. The next technique which is gaining popularity is the validation approach, it is inclined with accepting the client, understanding and somehow putting one’s self into the shoes of the clients. By doing this, elderly clients will be more responsive to interventions, they will be more active in communication and therefore will be more happy and contented. By agreeing to them and not contradicting their understanding of things it will be easy for the carer to redirect and divert the attention of the elderly to the right path or correct thinking. Thus, frustrations that may lead to depression would be minimized or even eliminated. Third technique is called assistive technologies. This is all about innovation and creativity being applied for not only practical but most importantly, for humanitarian cause. In this technique, modern equipment that can be used in everyday life are designed to promote independence, reduce risks and improve the quality of life of not only elderly clients but younger people with disabilities as well. Good examples of these technologies applied for the benefit of the elderly are clocks and calendars that have particular properties to prevent disorientation to time and date. Another are locator devices, these can be in a form of key ring or Velcro belts and bracelets that clients can wear and can be activated in cases of wandering and being lost. There is another type of elderly friendly technology that is very useful in ensuring safety and security for clients who are living by their own. This is called â€Å"Telecare†. It utilizes sensors that are installed around the clientâ €™s home and connected to a telecommunication device. This amazing technology detects environmental changes inside the house, such as, extreme temperatures, floods and even gas leaks. It also senses the client’s movements. For example, if the client is often getting up at night to go to the toilet or if there are risk of falls, this are detected by the sensors and appropriate communication will be submitted to the nominated person. These various forms of technologies prove to be very helpful in keeping the seniors safe and secure while maintaining their need to be independent and fully functional on their own (Alzheimers Society, 2015). Forth to be examined is the reminiscence techniques. The premise of having psychotherapeutic measures that pertains to the life story of the elderly and how they lived their lives, focusing on the good and minimizing the regrets and resentments from previous events in the old persons’ lives. This approach is proven to improve clients’ mood. Cognitive ability and over-all well-being for clients with mild to moderate dementia. In some way it is inclined and similar to reality orientation approach in aspects of involving relatives and family members who are very close to the client and even those who played enormous roles in the life of the elderly in the past. This will lighten their days knowing that they still know and remember such important events and people. This in turn, will give empowerment, independence and autonomy in accomplishing everyday tasks, as aimed by other techniques of meeting senior client’s needs especially ones with dementia and similar cogni tive difficulties (The Institute of Research and Innovation in Social Services, 2015). Lastly among the techniques utilized for elderly clients, there is the holistic approach. This is mainly involved in simple things that comprises the totality of a client’s life. Included in this approach is the environment of the client. Basic things such as how furniture are arranged, proper lighting at home, reduction of clutters and other potential hazards to the elderly would vastly improve the way they live and can minimize or even eliminate accidents that most of the senior people dreaded. Sometimes this fear of mishaps may cause lack of confidence in doing activities on their own, hence, leading to sedentary life style. This then would have a negative impact on clients’ over-all health and may contribute in further deterioration of physical and psychosocial well-being. To alleviate this and supplement the environmental modification, it is invaluable for the carers to have effective communication with the elderly so that techniques of care will yield favourable o utcomes. Communication can be in a verbal or non-verbal form. It should be assured that both modes of communication are comforting and not threatening to the elderly. The clients will be more compliant and will be more participative in care and activities if carers use proper, polite and effective communication. In addition to environment and communication, there is the aspect of nutrition and engagement to physical activities for the elderly clients. With older clients, nutrition and hydration is very important to maintain good health and avoid discomforts. For example, discomforts caused by difficulty in elimination or constipation. By providing clients with high fibre diet and encouraging them to increase fluid intake, the said discomfort can be significantly reduced. Finally, it is also a must to engage elderly clients in regular physical activities. Every morning exercises, brisk walking around the facility and simple games with balls and hoops can be of great help for the seni ors in stretching their muscles and moving their joints. This will give clients time to spend to socialize with other clients, carers and their family, avoid boredom and minimise development of challenging behaviours. Impacts of equality, culture and diversity on provision of person-centred approach The most observable impact of culture, diversity and equality on person-centred approach of care seems to be positive in nature. Mostly positive in the sense that person-centred approach is all about caring for an individual. Having specific plan of treatment and care for a certain client. Applying individualize measures that would meet the specific needs of a certain individual based on culture is a very good example. While doing this, diversity and equality is being respected and recognized. Impacts of health sector standards and code of practice and other published standards on person-centred practice approach The health sector has established standards, policies and procedures that have made a huge impact on approaches and measures in managing health concerns of the elderly. The main code that affects person-centred approach is the well-known and widely accepted, Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. This is very good in promoting person-centred care because it emphasises on rights of clients not just the elderly but persons with disabilities and those who are vulnerable in the society. The code implies the respect in clients’ privacy, autonomy, dignity, right to fair treatment and appropriate standards of care, right to complete and accurate information and communication, right to support, rights during teaching and research and the right to complain. All of the said rights pertain to the individual and emphasises on respecting the individual as anyone would like to be respected. It is believed that this is the same premise of person-centred approach in one way or another (Health and Disability Commissioner, 2009). Conclusion After analysing various approaches and techniques in managing older people with dementia and other geriatric-related health conditions, such as, person-centred and non-person-centred approach, reality orientation, validation approach, assistive technologies, reminiscence techniques, holistic approach and impacts of equality, culture, diversity and effects of standards and codes of practice in the health sector, it is therefore concluded that people with advance age and are living with symptoms of dementia or age related health concerns benefit the most in care that is inclined in a person-centred type of health management. It is proven that elderly clients live better, maintain or even boost their confidence, retain autonomy or independence, preserve their dignity and have vast improvements in their over-all quality of life with the help of the said techniques and approaches to care which is centred to the seniors themselves. References Alzheimers Society. (2015). Assistive technology devices to help with everyday living Alzheimers Society. Retrieved from Health and Disability Commissioner. (2009). Health and Disability Commissioner Code of Rights. Retrieved from The Institute of Research and Innovation in Social Services. (2015). Supporting those with dementia: Reminiscence therapy and life story work IRISS Insights, no.4 | IRISS The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Personal Philosphy Essay

It is important for teachers to develop their own educational philosophy. It is important because this philosophy defines the teacher and what they stand for. The philosophy describes the teacher’s attitude, their teaching styles, and how they feel about their students being successful. â€Å"A teacher’s personal philosophy of education is a critical element in his or her approach to guiding children along the path of enlightenment. † (Examples, 2013) Writing philosophies at the beginning of your teaching career is very helpful. Once you begin teaching for some time you notice that those initial philosophies change. Writing teaching philosophies are important to teachers because it identifies their thoughts, beliefs, and what they represent in the classroom. Personal Philosophies After thinking and realizing what I stand for in the classroom, I came up with these three philosophies that identify me. I believe that every student is a special education class can learn. Regardless of the child and their disability I believe that every child in a classroom is able to learn. It does not matter how small the progress is just as long as there is progress. I believe that inclusion has both positive and negative aspects on teachers and students. Inclusion allows students to be mainstreamed with peers their age. This gives them a chance to be around students their age as well as learn new things. Sometimes inclusion causes special services student to act out. This happens because they are not familiar with the information and they act out so they will not be embarrassed because their lack of knowledge. Finally, I believe that one-on-one time with special education students is valuable. Working with students individually helps them a lot. The teacher gets a chance to see exactly where they need help and are able to answer all their questions. Philosophies That Relate To Me â€Å"I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. † (Sample, 2013) After reading this philosophy I realized how much this should be included in one of my philosophies. I believe that each student is different. I also believe that each student should be handled differently and appropriately in order for them to show growth. Not only should a teach help the student grow educationally but they should assist them in growing socially, physically, and emotionally. It is a teacher’s job to produce growth in their students. That is why they should cover all aspects available in order to prepare their students for the real world. This philosophy covers everything I believe in as a teacher. In order for a student to learn they have to be comfortable and feel secure with their surroundings. In order for a student to open up to a teacher and peers they have to be comfortable with their surroundings. That is why it is important for teachers to provide a relaxed, secure classroom for the students. A classroom that welcomes questions, discussions, and learning. In the beginning the teacher should let the class know that questions are always welcome and that no one is allowed to laugh. Once a student realizes they have a teacher who always want to hear their questions and cares about them and how they learn, the student will feel secure and open to learn. This philosophy can be adopted as one of my own because I am aligned and stand for everything it says. â€Å"I believe the children are our future. † (Sample, 2013) Children are our future. In order for us to have a bright future, we have to prepare our youth the lead the country in an outstanding way. As a special service teacher I think it is important to prepare our students for the real word. Not only do we prepare them intellectually, we prepare them mentally, physically, and emotionally. As a teacher I think in order to prepare students to be our future we have to teach them everything they need to in order to function in society. In order for children to be our future we have to help them be successful by teaching them the necessities. In special education classes independent living skills can be taught. In order for our children to be our future, these things have to be taught. In order to be our future we have to teach them everything that is beneficial for our children to function properly in and outside of the classroom. â€Å"I believe that children learn best from expert teachers who know what they are talking about. † (Educational Philosophies, 2013) I believe that a certified teacher should be in charge of a classroom. Although there is teacher’s assistance in classrooms to help I do not believe that they should lead discussions. I think that our children should be influenced by a certified teacher. Teachers go through lots of training and take classes that teacher’s assistants do not. Although they are trained to handle behavior, they are nor trained nor certified to teach. Students should be taught by someone who knows how and what to teach. I believe that students learn from expert teachers. An expert teacher is someone who has a degree and has met all state requirements to be certified. And that is who should teach our children, an expert teacher. â€Å"I believe that an effective teacher helps leaner increase their awareness of significant social and political issues so that they can have an impact on these situation. † (Educational Philosophies, 2013) This philosophy has some points that I agree with. I do agree that teachers should keep students aware of the political and social issues that are going on. That is important so that students are aware of the current events. I think that this philosophy is important. It is important for student to know how to handle certain situations that deals with the economy and government. When students enter the real world they should have some knowledge of the government and how it works. They should be familiar with what goes on so that they are able to handle certain situations when they are older. Voting is one of these things they should be familiar with and the procedures in order to be registered to vote. This philosophy is one that I will adopt or add to one I already have. Conclusion Having a personal philosophy is very important. As a special education teacher I think it is important to have more than one. Each year I teach I either amend my philosophies each year or add a new one. The more I teach the more things I begin to believe in. A teacher and their philosophies are important because the students, parents, and community are aware of what to expect from you as an educator.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Martin Luther

THEMES IN U. S. & WORLD HISTORY Task 2 Roberta Gauvin Two of the most significant social and/ political changes that occurred as a result of the actions of one individual was Nelson Mandela. Mandela represented an example of a powerful leader who inspired millions of people around the world. First of all Mandela won the first multi-racial elections in South Africa thus creating a significant change in perception and building of a color blind society in Africa and around the world. Prior to becoming a president, people knew him for his anti-apartheid violent actions, his actions attracted attention to the existing problem. His actions made him well known around the world. Martin Luther King was well known around the world for his significant movements for the society. Martin Luther King became an iconic figure, whose courage inspired countless people. First, Martin Luther King advocated for civil rights by means of the peaceful method and never encouraged using violence for achieving the goals. His speech â€Å"I Have a Dream† encouraged the creation of a colorblind society and society based on equality among all people. â€Å"When he was notified of winning a Nobel Peace Prize, he stated that all the funds were to go to further the civil rights movement (King, M 1964). He actively addressed issues of poverty and contributed to the end of the War in Vietnam. References I Have a Dream: The Story of Martin Luther King in Text and Pictures. , New York, Time Life Books, 1968. â€Å"Martin Luther King, Biography†, Nobel prize (1964), Retrieved 14 September 2011 from http://www. nobelprize. or g/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html Themes in History, Individuals and Institutions (2006), retrieved 14 September 2011, from http://history. webtexts. com/courses/4573-history/toc/chapters/389802-individuals-and-institutions-as-mechanisms-of-social-change/assignments/342712-7-nelson-mandela

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to McDonald’s Breakfast What to Order

The Ultimate Guide to McDonald’s Breakfast What to Order SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In my expert opinion, McDonald’s breakfast is one of the greatest things on the planet. Ever since I tried my first Egg McMuffin as a kid, I was hooked. Since then, the breakfast menu has greatly expanded. Regardless of your taste, you can find some breakfast deliciousness at Mickey D’s. Furthermore, now McDonald’s is offering all-day breakfast. The powers that be heard our cries, so even if you can’t wake up early or you like breakfast for dinner, you can satisfy your cravings. Unfortunately, though, not every breakfast item is offered all day. In this article, I’ll give you all the information you need to know about McDonald’s breakfast. I’ll describe and evaluate each item on the breakfast menu. Additionally, I’ll let you know when regular breakfast is usually offered, and what breakfast items you can get outside of the normal breakfast hours. The McDonald’s Breakfast Menu Below, I'll break down all of the items on the McDonald’s breakfast menu. The prices do vary based on location, and sadly, menu items vary by location. However, these are the current staples of the McDonald’s breakfast menu. Keep in mind that some areas will offer unique items to cater to the tastes of the local population. For example, you can get lobster rolls in the Northeast and cranberry-orange muffins in the Midwest. Additionally, some regions will try out various menu items before they’re rolled out nationally. In February of 2016, McDonald’s began testing low carb breakfast bowls and incorporating Chobani Greek yogurt into the Fruit ‘N Yogurt Parfait at locations in Los Angeles and San Diego. The breakfast bowls that are being tested are an egg white and turkey sausage bowl with spinach and kale, and a scrambled egg and chorizo bowl with a hash brown, salsa, and Pico de Gallo. If these items are successful, you’re bound to see them at more locations in the future. With all that out of the way, it's time for me to guide you through the national McDonald's breakfast menu. It's divided by â€Å"regular† and â€Å"healthy† items. I tried to list the items in order of popularity. For each item, I’ve given the following info: Price A description A score based on taste (from 0-5 sausage patties) My review, semi-ironically entitled "The Skinny" Nutritional Content Regular Breakfast Items These are the breakfast menu items for those who are less concerned about nutritional content and more concerned with flavor. Hash Browns Cost: $1.00 What is it? Fried Russet potatoes. The hash browns come in one piece; it’s like an oval-shaped patty. This makes them easier to eat, especially while driving. You can hold them in your hand and eat them without utensils. Score: 4 sausage patties The Skinny: If you like potatoes, a little crunch, and fried goodness, you’ll enjoy McDonald’s breakfast hash browns. While the hash browns are satisfying on their own, they can be enhanced with some ketchup. Also, they can be a touch on the greasy side, so hold them from the wrapper while you’re eating them if you want to avoid greasy fingers. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 150 1 g 9 g 15 g 530 mg Egg McMuffin Cost: $2.79 What Is it? The Egg McMuffin is the most famous of the McDonald’s breakfast offerings. It’s a poached egg with Canadian bacon and melted cheese on an English muffin. Score: 4.5 sausage patties The Skinny: I’m skeptical of anybody who doesn’t like McDonald’s Egg McMuffin. The combination of the egg, cheese, Canadian bacon, and English muffin are completely harmonious. Each layer provides a different texture and flavor that works well together. It’s satiating yet not too heavy. If you’ve never had McDonald’s breakfast, I recommend opting for this breakfast entree for your first time. It’s a safe choice. Nutritional Content Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 300 17 grams 12 grams 29 grams 720 mg Sausage McMuffin Cost: $1.00 What Is it? The Sausage McMuffin is an English muffin topped with a sausage patty and American cheese. Basically, it’s an Egg McMuffin with sausage instead of the poached egg and Canadian bacon. Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: At $1.00, the Sausage McMuffin provides tremendous value, given that it’s roughly the same size and almost as filling as the Egg McMuffin, but it’s offered for a fraction of the price. The sausage is packed with flavor, but this is the simplest of the breakfast sandwiches. It’s a good option for sausage lovers who want a basic meal. Nutritional Content Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 400 14 grams 25 grams 28 grams 750 mg Sausage McMuffin With Egg Cost: $2.79 What Is it? As the name implies, it’s a Sausage McMuffin with egg. It’s a sausage patty, cheddar cheese, and poached egg on an English muffin. Score: 4 sausage patties The Skinny: This is just an Egg McMuffin substituting sausage for the Canadian bacon. Because Canadian bacon is healthier, the Sausage McMuffin with Egg has more fat and sodium than the Egg McMuffin. However, if you’re just focused on taste, you can’t go wrong with this breakfast sandwich. The poached egg cuts through the saltiness of the sausage, and the English muffin soaks up some of the grease. Each layer is tasty on its own, and you get your meat, dairy, and carbs all in one bite. Nutritional Content Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 470 30 grams 21 grams 29 grams 810 mg Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit Cost: $2.99 What Is it? A folded egg, American cheese, and Applewood smoked bacon on a buttered buttermilk biscuit. Score: 4.5 Sausage Patties The Skinny: This is your classic breakfast sandwich, and McDonald’s breakfast does it right. Many people prefer the biscuit to the English muffin. If you’re considering a biscuit sandwich, this is a good one to try. It’s nothing original, but taste trumps originality. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 440 19 g 24 g 37 g 720 mg Sausage Biscuit Cost: $1.00 What Is it? A sausage patty on a buttered buttermilk biscuit Score: 3 sausage patties The Skinny: This sandwich is cost-effective, but it’s a tad boring compared to the rest of McDonald’s breakfast menu. Just a sausage patty on a biscuit. At least the Sausage McMuffin comes with cheese. But, if you like biscuits and sausage, you’ll be content with this option. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 440 17 g 30 g 29 g 720 mg Sausage Biscuit With Egg Cost: $2.69 What Is it? A sausage patty and folded egg on a buttered buttermilk biscuit The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: This is the enhanced sausage biscuit. You get extra protein and flavor with the egg. Personally, I prefer the McDonald’s poached egg to the folded egg, but there’s nothing wrong with the folded egg. It’s a step up from a hospital omelet, but I’m not sure if that’s a ringing endorsement. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 510 11 g 33 g 35 g 1090 mg Bacon, Egg, and Cheese McGriddles Cost: $3.19 What Is it? A folded egg, Applewood smoked bacon, and American cheese on griddle cakes with sweet maple baked inside them. The Score: 4.5 sausage patties The Skinny: The griddle cakes on McDonald’s breakfast menu are ridiculously good. They offer a touch of sweetness with the maple-infused flavor, but the sweetness isn’t overpowering. As I previously mentioned, bacon, egg, and cheese are the quintessential breakfast sandwich combo, but the griddle cakes make this entree special. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 440 19 g 19 g 48 g 1260 mg Sausage McGriddles Cost: $2.69 What Is it? A sausage patty on maple-flavored griddle cakes The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: If you’re contemplating indulging in the excitement of the McGriddle, you might as well have more than just a sausage patty in your sandwich. This is only a good option if you don’t like the other breakfast sandwich toppings. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 440 11 g 25 g 44 g 1280 mg Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McGriddles Cost: $3.19 What Is it? A folded egg, sausage patty, and American cheese on maple-flavored griddle cakes The Score: 4.5 sausage patties The Skinny: When I’m feeling extra hungry and gluttonous, this is my go-to breakfast at Mickey D’s. You have the sweet from the griddle cakes, the salty from the sausage, plus the richness of the egg and cheese. I’d give this sandwich 3 thumbs up if I had 3 thumbs. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 560 20 32 g 48 g 1280 mg Big Breakfast Cost: $3.39 What Is it? Scrambled eggs, a sausage patty, buttermilk biscuit, and hash browns The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: When I’m getting a fast food breakfast, I prefer my breakfast in hand-held form. The Big Breakfast resembles a cafeteria breakfast. However, it’s a good cafeteria breakfast, and you get a full meal for a low price. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 730 25 g 48 g 49 g 1420 mg Big Breakfast With Hotcakes Cost: $5.19 What Is it? Scrambled eggs, sausage patty, hash browns, hotcakes, and a buttermilk biscuit The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: This is the least healthy of all of the McDonald’s breakfast menu options. Perhaps you find that appealing. You can get a day’s worth of fat in one meal. That’s always fun. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 1050 33 g 56 g 104 g 1960 mg Hotcakes Cost: $2.19 What Is it? Three maple-flavored hotcakes with butter The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: Don’t expect light, fluffy hotcakes like the ones you find at more upscale establishments. These are pretty basic, but they taste good, especially with butter and syrup. And the maple flavor is a nice touch. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 320 8 g 7 g 54 g 530 mg Hotcakes and Sausage Cost: $2.99 What is it? Three maple-flavored hotcakes with butter and a sausage patty The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: This meal feels boring to me. If you want hotcakes and sausage, you may as well go for a Sausage McGriddle. That’s more fun, and it’s easier to eat while driving. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 510 15 g 25 g 55 g 1290 mg Sausage Burrito Cost: $1.00 What Is it? Scrambled eggs, peppers, onions, and cheese wrapped in a tortilla Score: 3 sausage patties The Skinny: You probably don’t think of burritos when you think of McDonald’s, and neither do I. The sausage burrito looks sad, but it tastes decent. And it comes with McSalsa. That’s McBueno. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 300 12 g 16 g 49 g 1420 mg Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Bagel Cost: $3.29 What Is it? A folded egg, Applewood bacon, and American cheese on a bagel The Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: Similar to the hotcakes, don’t expect the greatest bagel from McDonald’s. The bacon, egg, and cheese taste good, but I think most people will prefer these toppings on the biscuit. I’m sure my dad, a native New Yorker, would eat the entire sandwich, but he wouldn't give the bagel itself high marks. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 570 26 g 27g 55 g 1290 mg Steak, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit Cost: $3.79 What Is it? Seasoned steak patty, grilled onions, a folded egg, and American cheese on a buttered buttermilk biscuit The Score: 4 sausage patties The Skinny: The steak patty somewhat resembles a thicker sausage patty, but it has a little more kick, thanks to the seasoning. The grilled onions add some crunch and extra flavor. This sandwich provides a hearty combination of goodness. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 520 25 g 30 g 37 g 1440 mg Healthy Options If you want a fast, budget-friendly breakfast, but you’re trying to eat something on the healthy side, McDonald’s has some options for you. Fruit and Maple Oatmeal Cost: $1.99 What Is it? Whole grain oats, a touch of cream, red and green apples, cranberries, and two types of raisins. Available with or without brown sugar. Score: 3.5 sausage patties The Skinny: Normally I find oatmeal relatively bland, but McDonald’s breakfast menu serves up this dish packed with yummy flavors. The fruit is surprisingly good, the cream adds some richness, and the maple provides some additional sweetness. And it only has 4 grams of fat. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 290 5 g 4 g 58 g 160 mg Egg White Delight McMuffin Cost: $2.79 What Is it? Grilled egg whites, extra lean Canadian bacon, and white cheddar on a buttered English muffin. The Score: 2.5 sausage patties The Skinny: I don’t know if I can endorse this one. It may be healthier than the Egg McMuffin, but it doesn’t taste as good. With fat comes flavor, and this sandwich could use some flavor enhancement. It’s similar to the Egg McMuffin, but it’s not as tasty. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 250 17 g 8 g 28 g 720 mg Fruit ‘N Yogurt Parfait Cost: $1.00 What Is it? Low-fat vanilla yogurt layered with blueberries and strawberries. Topped with crunchy granola. The Score: 4 sausage patties The Skinny: A surprisingly good treat on McDonald’s breakfast menu that is also healthy. I don’t know exactly where McDonald’s gets its fruit and how the fruit is preserved, but the fruit tastes good. The sweetness of the fruit works well with the tartness of the yogurt. And the granola adds some crunch. Not bad at all. Nutritional Info Calories Protein Fat Carbs Sodium 150 4 g 2 g 30 g 80 mg Breakfast Hours The full breakfast menu isn’t available all day, only during the designated breakfast hours. Outside of the designated breakfast hours, you can only get breakfast grub from the all-day breakfast menu, which has a fraction of the breakfast options. Breakfast hours vary by location, but here are the typical McDonald’s breakfast hours: Monday-Friday: 5:00 AM-10:30 AM Saturday-Sunday: 5:00 AM-11:00 AM However, you may be able to get breakfast earlier at 24-hour McDonald’s. The All-Day Breakfast Menu McDonald’s answered my prayers and started offering all-day breakfast in the fall of 2015. Here are the items on the typical all-day breakfast menu. These are usually the only breakfast items you can purchase outside of the designated breakfast hours: Egg McMuffin Sausage McMuffin Sausage McMuffin With Egg Hotcakes Hotcakes and Sausage Fruit 'N Yogurt Parfair Sausage Burrito Fruit and Maple Oatmeal Hash Browns Beverage Choices While I’m more focused on my breakfast food, I know some people take their beverages very seriously. For those of you who need a coffee drink to start your day, McDonald’s has a number of options for you. It expanded from just its basic coffee when it launched its line of McCafe drinks in 2009. Here are all your drink options and their prices. Drink Small Medium Large Premium Roast Coffee $1.00 $1.49 $1.69 McCafe Latte $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Mocha $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Caramel Mocha $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Hot Chocolate $2.09 $2.59 $3.09 Premium Roast Iced Coffee $1.00 $1.99 $2.49 McCafe Iced Mocha $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Frappe Mocha $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Frappe Caramel $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 McCafe Frappe Chocolate Chip $2.39 $2.89 $3.39 1% Low Fat Milk Jug $2.29 $2.79 $3.29 Fat Free Chocolate Milk Jug $2.29 $2.79 $3.29 Smoothies (Mango Pineapple, Strawberry Banana, or Blueberry Pomegranate) $2.29 $2.79 $3.29 Minute Maid Apple Juice Box $2.29 $2.79 $3.29 Minute Maid Premium Orange Juice $1.99 $2.49 $2.89 Dasani Water $1.99 $2.49 $2.89 Soft Drinks $1.99 $2.49 $2.89 Breakfast Extra Value Meals On top of the menu items, you can add a hash browns and a small coffee by ordering a breakfast entree and making it a meal. You can substitute the coffee for a juice or another beverage for an additional fee, usually the difference in price between a small coffee and your drink of choice. Generally, when you order a combo meal, you're basically paying for your entree and hash browns, and then getting your coffee for free. So it may make sense to order the extra value meal, depending on what you want. Here are the meals normally offered: Egg McMuffin Meal Sausage McMuffin With Egg Meal Bacon, Egg, Cheese Biscuit Meal Sausage Biscuit With Egg Meal Bacon, Egg, Cheese McGriddles Meal Sausage, Egg, Cheese McGriddles Meal Sausage McGriddles Meal Two Sausage Burritos Meal McDonald's Breakfast Master Tips As a self-proclaimed McDonald's breakfast expert, here's my advice on how to maximize your McDonald's breakfast experience. #1: Be Punctual This advice is for those of you who want an item that's only offered during the designated breakfast hours. It's a fast-food tragedy to arrive at McDonald's at 10:45 AM and be told that you can't order McGriddles. Set an alarm. Push yourself to achieve your goal of getting to the golden arches during breakfast time. Then, you can reward yourself with a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit, or any other delicious breakfast treat you desire. #2: Consider Your Goals Think about what you're trying to get out of this meal. Do you just want the tastiest meal possible? If you're solely concerned with taste, then think about your preferences. Personally, I think you'll have the tastiest meal by getting a breakfast sandwich and hash browns. Determine which breakfast sandwich to order by answering the following questions: Do you prefer sausage or bacon? Would you rather have your sandwich on an English muffin, biscuit, or McGriddles? Do you prefer a poached egg or folded egg? Your answers will determine the best McDonald's breakfast sandwich for you. If you prefer sausage, biscuits, and folded eggs, then you immediately know that the Sausage Biscuit With Egg is the ideal choice for you and your taste buds. Do you want a cheap meal? If cost is a consideration, then first look at the cheapest entrees. Hopefully, at least one will sound appetizing to you. You can get two Sausage McMuffins or Sausage Biscuits and a hash browns for $3. Also, if you're trying to limit your cost, I recommend sticking with a cup of water for your beverage. If you need some caffeine, go for the regular coffee as opposed to one of the fancier McCafe drinks. Are you trying to be healthy? If you want a healthier meal, order one of the "healthy" options or an Egg McMuffin, which is less unhealthy than the other breakfast sandwiches. You're probably also going to want to pass on the hash browns. I'm sorry. I know they're delicious. #3: Remember: It's Fast Food, NOT Fine Food Some food snobs will harshly judge the McDonald's breakfast because it doesn't use the same high-quality ingredients as upscale sit-down restaurants. Yes, McDonald's may use lower quality eggs than you'll find in your $14 brunch frittata, but McDonald's eggs taste good to me and millions of people. If you can only indulge in fresh, organic ingredients, then Mickey D's probably isn't the place for you. But if you're looking for a fast, satisfying meal at a very reasonable price, then you can't go wrong with McDonald's breakfast. My dream is that McDonald's will give me free breakfast for life for my endorsement.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Middle School Science Fair Project Ideas

Middle School Science Fair Project Ideas It can be really hard to come up with a middle school science fair project idea. Sometimes it helps to see what others have done or to read project ideas. Have you done a middle school science fair project or do you have a good idea for a good middle school project? Whats your project idea? Here are ideas shared by other readers: white fish When you leave a fish in the dark it will eventually turn white. Try it please. It really works! - kittycat60 Burn those old clothes In the 7th grade I did an experiment on which fabric burns the fastest. I cut up old clothes into equal pieces and let fire do the rest of the work. Got 1st place even while having a partner who did nothing. I thought it was a pretty fun experiment. - Dre bubble gum Test which bubble gum brand pops the biggest bubbles. - guest Rusty Nail I did a science experiment on which types of nails rust the fastest. Try a nail in vinegar, water, or Pepsi. - anonymoud crystal race I recorded how fast it took for crystals to grow using salt and sugar. I got fourth place, but the good thing was after they grew I got to eat the sugar crystals! (Do not eat the salt.) - Doodlebug1111 Ants be gone!!! Last year in 6th grade I did a science fair project with my friends and we did WHICH HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT REPELS ANTS BETTER LEMON JUICE, POWDER, OR CINNAMON? We got second place in the school. - Guest5 truth I did an experiment on what foods are the best to seal cracks. I tried common foods, like peanut butter, pudding, jello, and ice cream. I then let them dry and put water in the cup with the crack measured what food stopped the water best. Got an A somehow... so easy! - Guest 6666666666 caffeine - plants I watered 3 plants with caffeine and 3 with water. Record your results and make a graph to see which one dies faster. Its so easy!! I got an A - bqggrdxvv LED lights I did a science project on L.E.D lights and I got 1st place! Do L.E.D lights affect electricity usage? I took a normal light and measured the amps (you want the least amount of amps) and then I took the L.E.D light and measured the amps. It was pretty cool and I got 1st place and an A! - mustache Crayons Does the color of a crayon affect how long of a line it makes? (Editors note: If you use an entire crayon, this project could take a long time. One way to test this would be to mark equal, short distances on different colored crayons. Draw a line back and forth down a very large/long until you reach the mark on each color. Count the number of lines on the paper and see if they are the same for each crayon.) - Sonic EASY A! In 5th grade i did a project on which candies melt faster. All you have do is put different kind of candies (lollipop, Hershey, etc.) in hot boiling water and see which one melts the fastest. Also got 1st place! - chiii say hello Get an A t make a regular volcano but instead of baking soda use Mentos and pop. Watch your teachers be amazed. - shay Colored Fire I did an experiment on colored fire. I bought chemicals like copper sulfate, and lit it after spraying alcohol on it. (you can also use salt). it was really awsome and I won the science fair. it was an easy A - makhassak rockets We got a toilet paper roll and cut a rubber band on one side then taped the rubber band so it went diagonally across the top then set it aside and got 3 straws and cut one straw 2 inches long taped the ends of the straws toget her with the little one in the middle then u put the rubber band in the middle of the two straws so it is touching the baby straw and some of the big straw will be hanging out the bottom pull it and let go it will shoot a long way this is a good way to test elastic potential energy epa - hunger games sprouting beans I did a experiment where u try to find out if rubbing alcohol, baby oil, salt water, water, sugar water, or vinegar which one do plants grow best in? I got an A - 5052364 pH scale I did a project with my friends and get about 7 differents liquids like cola fanta lemon juice and you put different types of solid objects like chalk and see what dissolves fastest. Got a silver. - 2cool Microwave Power~ You can microwave a marshmallow at different temperatures and see what happens. Make a chart of what happened. Make sure to take pictures. This is not a research project. This is a Scientific Method Project. REMEMBER: DONT SET THE MICROWAVE TIMER HIGHER THAN 1 MIN! DO SECONDS AND ALSO HAVE AN ADULT SUPERVISE!! - 625 Salty water and eggs When I was in 6th grade I did an experiment. We were trying to know how much salt do you need for an egg to float. To be honest, thats the easiest project EVER! you just put 2 cups of water: one with NO salt an one FULL of salt you put the eggs inside and the one with salt floats. and thats all. EASY 100! - Miranda F. Planty Liquids y friends and I watered flowers with milk, lemonade, and coke for two weeks to see which would live the longest and die the fastest. got an A! - Guest Guest ME temperature i did this thing were I got a box of insulation and put a thermometer in there with a jar of cold water to see if it stayed cold (: try it ! - sydneyxguest easy My brother did this and got 2nd out of everybody in our school. He put a banana in a spot in the house that is room temp. A banana in the fridge, and a banana outside to see which decayed faster. - Guest anonomus mento pop explosion I bought 2 pops and shook them up. then I put 5 mentos in and when it started to go out I picked it up and it shot at my targets right on spot. - science beany bag it works really well. Take a rag and put black eyed beans in the rag and fold it up a week or two later they have sprouted and ready to grow beans!!!!!!! - Guest MENTOS! Get mint mentos candy and put in different sodas to see which soda goes the farthest (diet pepsi is the best) - Guest Volcano When I was in 5th grade I did a project and won first place. It was a volcano and I used lots of research, which held it up well and helped me with the winnings. I loved it when I did this because I actually won so hooray! - Kelsey Vandyne moon Which moon phase lasts longer? Look and see Im not gonna tell ya :D - tiara keep the cool I got 3 boxes and in each box i filled it with aluminum foil, cotton, and one without anything and put inside nothing then i put in a juice in each box to seen which one keeps it most cold. I competed with 75 other schools and got 2nd place - Guest Balloon Lung Question: How does ur lung work? Well all u have to do is get an empty bottle and a little cone and a balloon.Turn the cone upside down and put the balloon on the pointy edge.Then stick the cone with the balloon on the end in the bottle.Then ur done squeeze the bottle!!!!!!!! - HungerGames!!!!! Underwater Volcano Last year I did an underwater volcano. I won second place and got an A my teacher really liked the originality - lhern64 More Middle School Science Project Ideas

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case study Analisis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analisis - Case Study Example Another probable cause is the old age of the aircraft. This particular aircraft was nineteen years old and had operated for 35,496 hours (Aubury, 2012). As such, its frames, joints, and skin could have been stretched as the fuselage had been pumped up the maximum level of pressure (Hawaiian Steam Engineering, 1997). The probable main cause of the accident, as determined by the NTSB, points to the fact the accident happened majorly due to structural and mechanical factors. The failure of the lap joint S-1OL and the fuselage of the upper lobe are all mechanical factors; however, there are contributing factors like which could cause the accident (Aviation Safety Network, 2012). These structural and mechanical factors were widely attributed to the failure to conduct continuous and substantive mechanism and inspection on the aircraft by the Aloha Airlines. This structural and mechanical condition was also attributed to corrosion, since the aircraft was to operate in a coastal environment and was, therefore, exposed to humidity and salt. Its old age is another reason for the mechanical breakdown that led to the accident (MacPherson, 1998). In addition, complacency on the part of Boeing about fuselage led to the mechanical failure. While Boeing was concerned about its old aircraft, its engineers had a naive faith that if a fuselage cracked anywhere, a â€Å"lead crack† would grow along the skin until it reaches the frame of the fuselage, then turn at right angles and a triangular shaped tear would eventually blow out and dump fuselage pressure safely (Hawaiian Steam Engineering, 1997). Because of this complacency, the most of the structural and mechanical aspects regarding the fuselage were ignored and this ultimately led to the accident. The Aloha Airlines also seemed to have ignored too many safety recommendations from the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Contemporary management issues(1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary management issues(1) - Essay Example 3. Virtue ethics: Virtue ethics appraises the characteristics of the agent and not what should be done (deontology) or the outcome (consequentialism).The approach emphasises that action, within the principles of virtuosity, is ethical if virtue informs the action and leans on a moral evaluation of the performer rather that on the result or the duty considerations. In addition some philosophers have posited different approaches for delineating the ethical from the unethical, these are essentially shades of the above three basic approaches, and not recounted here. This essay looks at Consequentialist and Virtue Ethic approaches and their application in modern business practices using specific reference to the supply chain up to the customer of flowers that are out of season within the United Kingdom. Flowers, grown in all parts of the world, find their way to the auction houses in Holland. Buyers and representatives of large dealers buy the flowers and transport them to their respective countries and from there to the retail outlets. The chain is so organised that the flowers are at the retail outlets within hours of harvest. However, glitches do take place and the flowers may be out of season by the time they reach retail. In addition, stale, and flowers of lower quality sometime spend more time in the auction areas until a buyer picks them up at fractional prices or a decision taken to destroy them. A number of questions of ethics and ethical behaviour arise here from the points of view of the supply chain, the retailer, the customer, and consumer groups. Within the paradigm of consequentialist ethics, according to Williams (1973), confusion exists between goals (the desired/ desirable consequence) and actions, for once a goal is achieved, it becomes the means to the achievement of, or definition of, the next aim or goal. This continuity is bound to carry on as long as we are alive and taking some action. Therefore, the journey